Candon Moderates Hot Exam Topics 2010

on 12:54 PM

During last week’s CUNA GAC in Washington, Vermont Deputy Commissioner of BISHCA, Tom Candon, moderated a panel discussion on hot exam topics on which regulators will focus in 2010. The list included indirect lending and risk concentration, which NCUA will soon provide guidance on in Letters to Credit Unions. Candon is also Chairman of the National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors (NASCUS).

As reported in AVCU’s InfoSight eNewsletter, Candon’s panelists were Jerrie Jay, No. Carolina CU Division administrator; Melinda Love, NCUA Director of Exams & Insurance and NCUSIF President, Joe Ostrowidzki, NCUA division of insurance director; and Wendy Angus, NCUA director of risk management. For details on the panel’s discussion see AVCU’s InfoSight eNewsletter, which all subscribers receive, or go to