NCUA Video Series: Corporate CU System Issues

on 4:10 PM

NCUA has posted on its website the second of three explanatory tracks to help credit unions better understand the history and prevailing situation involving the nation’s corporate credit union system. The first has been available for a few weeks and the third will be posted to the website shortly. When complete, a DVD of all three videos will be sent free of charge to all federally insured credit unions.

The complexities of distressed assets and market dislocations leading up to the corporate crisis are difficult to grasp, even by those familiar with the credit union system. This series was produced to provide a broad overview, in simple terms, of various aspects of the corporate credit union crisis. The first track provides background on the corporate credit union network. The newly released second track describes types of corporate credit union investments; how these investments were affected by financial market declines; and how problems with the investments affected corporates and threatened the entire credit union system.

The videos are especially appropriate for use with boards and some employees to help them better understand the overall corporate credit union situation. See the first two videos (and the third soon) on NCUA's website.