Filene Premieres "Idea Idol"

on 10:49 AM

Filene Research Institute is launching Idea Idol, a webinar aimed at gathering credit union input on which of four innovations will be further studied and implemented. It airs on 9/14 at 2 p.m. EDT. Four Filene Research Institute i3 participants will have 3 minutes each to make their pitch, followed by a brief question-and-answer period. The audience (web viewers) will weigh in and vote for their favorite idea.

The four ideas are:
  • Flex One – a first mortgage with a home equity line of credit and the capabilities of a checking account.
  • Heartfelt Hands – the “angel tree” concept of matching financial needs during a disaster with members willing to help.
  • HomeTrak – helping homeowners track the remaining life and replacement cost of all appliances, mechanicals, and big-ticket items in their homes.
  • The Signal – web-based consumer assistance to navigate the complexities of disability benefits and asset building.
Register here before 9/13 to take part in the Idea Idol webinar.