New Compliance: Share Insurance Advertising on 1/1/12

on 3:31 PM

January 1, 2012 is the mandatory compliance date for new Share Insurance Advertising requirements. Credit unions will now need to include NCUA’s “official advertising statement” in radio and television ads that are 15 seconds or more in length, annual reports, and statements of condition required to be published by law. Previously, these items were exempted from the advertising statement requirement and although NCUA’s advertising regulation does not dictate a specific font size for NCUA’s official advertising statement, it has to be clearly legible and the font size must be no smaller than the smallest font size used in other portions of the advertisement. The rule states that the statement must be placed in a “prominent position on the cover page of applicable documents or on the first page a reader sees if there is no cover page. Credit unions have three options to choose from in complying with the “official advertising statement”: 

  • Long version – “This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration
  • Short version – “Federally insured by NCUA
  • Decal version – a reproduction of NCUA’s official sign.
See the official regulation here