Back to Basics Robbery Prevention: Guns & Ammo

on 11:05 AM

American Banker reports on a wild west feeling approach to robbery prevention by a Texas bank. Concerned about robberies, Chappell Hill Bank began encouraging patrons to bring legally concealed weapons into its branch.

After the small bank was robbed early last year, its ceo replaced the large "no firearms" warning at the bank's lone branch with a sign encouraging customers to carry licensed concealed weapons inside. The bank also pays employees to take a concealed firearms course. "If you're going to need help, you better help yourself because the government is not going to help when you need them," says ceo Edward Smith. "I've got seven women in teller cages who are licensed to carry a firearm," Smith says. "I wouldn't try to rob them." News of the new policy became viral and deposits poured in to the $24 million-asset bank from sympathizers in 12 states and three countries. No robber has dared threaten the bank since its policy change.

The rest of the story focuses on the challenge facing Chappell Hill and small banks like it in its balance sheet survival in today's economic environment. Read the entire story here.