New Study: Consumers Turning to Mobile/Online for Banking

on 11:31 AM

A study of 3,000 demographically representative U.S. households with Internet access shows that a growing number of consumers are completing banking transactions, like paying a bill, through online and mobile services, as reported in a research paper by FiServ. Here are some highlights:

  • Those using mobile banking: 25%
  • Paid a bill using a phone: 40% of mobile banking users (up from 28% in 2010)
  • Transfer money on a mobile phone: 32% (up from 25% in 2010)
  • What type of mobile banking used:
    • website in browser = 60%
    • downloadable app = 41%
    • text messaging = 32%
  • Trust bank/credit union to handle mobile payments: 40%
  • Trust PayPal to handle mobile payments: 35%
  • Trust VISA for mobile payments: 33%
  • Online banking through an iPad or other tablet: 40%
  • Use of online bill payments: 50% of all bill payments made by U.S households with Internet access

Read more and download the report here.