NCUA Small CU Office: Internal Controls Webinar 12/17

on 6:53 PM

The National Credit Union Administration Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives (OSCUI) is hosting a webinar on 12/17 titled "Best Practices for Strong Internal Controls."

Vanessa Lowe, OSCUI economic development specialist, will be joined by Joette Colletts, risk management manager with CUNA Mutual Group, and Scott Butterfield of Your Credit Union Partner, a credit union consulting firm.

The webinar will cover:
  • The effects of poor internal controls on insurance costs;
  • Creating an effective fraud prevention policy; and
  • Internal controls for lending and teller operations.
The webinar will begin at 2 p.m. (ET) and is scheduled to last 90 minutes. It will be closed captioned and archived online approximately three weeks following the live event.

Online registration for this event is required but free.