Poll: Reaction to NCUA Data Breach

on 1:40 PM

Credit Union Journal recently conducted a poll of credit unions concerning what should be done in reaction to the data breach brought about by one of the National Credit Union Administration's own examiners. Results of the brief survey asking how NCUA should react:

  • 16% - doesn't need to change anything - this was only one incident in the last six years and 28,000 exams
  • 37% - should explore the use of new technologies to streamline and secure the exam process
  • 47% - undergo a third-party audit to determine the effectiveness of examiners' current data security policies and procedures

See this poll's results along with results to more poll questions

Sample poll topics:

  • Biggest issues CUs faced in 2014
  • Should CUs work with the Postal Service to provide financial services
  • How small CUs improve fraud prevention
  •  . . .and more.