Optimal Length of Tweets, Hashtags, Podcasts, Slideshares & Everything Online

on 12:31 PM

Adweek.com reports on research about the optimal length of various social media formats.

As example, although the the maximum length of a tweet is 140 characters, you might think the best policy would be to use up every single one. But you’d be wrong. The ideal tweet has a length of between 71-100 characters, leaving plenty of extra room for old-fashioned re-tweets and comments.

What about a hashtag? Studies show that a six character hashtag performs best. On Facebook, just 40 characters is considered the optimum – even shorter than on Twitter.

Email subject lines should, ideally, be 28-39 characters, blog headlines just six words and podcasts fare best at 22 minutes. Check the visuals below for the ideal length of (almost) everything online, which comes courtesy of Buffer and SumAll.