Today's Free Webinar: NCUA Interest Rate Risk, Adding "S" to CAMEL

on 9:18 AM

At 2 pm today NCUA will host a free webinar to address the agency’s updated interest rate risk supervision and plans for possibly adding an “S” to the CAMEL rating.  The webinar will explain:

  • key changes to interest rate supervision
  • why NCUA is making the changes
  • key dates of the revised interest rate risk supervision program
  • the timeline and process for adding an “S” to the rating system.

The webinar panel consists of NCUA staff members:

  • Larry Fazio, Director of Examination and Insurance
  • J. Owen Cole, Director of the Division of Capital and Credit Markets
  • Thomas Fay, Senior Capital Markets Specialist
  • Scott Borger, Economist

Questions to be covered include:

  • What are the key changes to interest rate supervision?
  • Why is NCUA making changes?
  • How do these changes benefit credit unions and NCUA supervision?
  • What are the key dates of the revised interest rate risk supervision program?
  • What are the timeline and the process for considering adding an “S” rating?

Online registration for this webinar is now open