9 PowerPoint Design Tips from a Small Biz Owner

on 5:33 PM

No, it's not a credit union related article, but a lot of PowerPoint presentations happen in credit union board and other meetings. And we've all sat through poorly designed PowerPoint presentations.

So, if you're ever having to create a PowerPoint presentation in your credit union be sure to check out this 9 important point, applicable for anyone, from Gene Marks. There's elaboration on each of these, but the 9 key points are:
  1. keep it simple
  2. use gridlines
  3. use simple animation
  4. GIFs are funnier than photos
  5. borrow ideas
  6. keep backups and use online
  7. go B&W
  8. have no slides at all
  9. take a nap
Read 9 PowerPoint Tips from a Small Business Owner