Member Activation Program (MAP): Participating CU Webinar

on 5:37 PM

For the first time, CUNA will hold a webinar for credit unions enrolled in the  Member Activation Program (MAP) on Monday, 9/12 at 3:00 p.m. EST.  During the webinar, participants will get up to date on recent happenings, have a chance to provide opinions and feedback on the program and also have a chance to ask questions. The webinar will be hosted by members of the CUNA political affairs teams. All participating MAP credit unions are encouraged to participate. Additional topics to be addressed include:
  • a recap of the program's latest results
  • a wrap-up of the Ease the Burden campaign
  • a preview of the fall 2016 campaign: a reprise of the Strong Credit Unions, Strong Middle Class before the fall elections. 
Attendance is free but pre-registration is required.  

Your CU's Not Yet On MAP?  Watch The Video Below!

If you aren't familiar with the MAP program, watch the video below to learn how communicating with members about issues of concern to their credit union builds loyalty and effective grassroots advocates.