Strategic Planning Video Series - from NCUA

on 10:18 AM

NCUA has released a 4 part video series intended to help credit union board members learn more about the fundamental concepts of strategic planning. The new series provides an overview of the strategic planning process and best practices for developing a successful strategic plan. Viewers will learn more about:
  • How to prepare for a strategic planning meeting,
  • Who should be involved during the planning process, and
  • How to set strategic goals.
  • The video also provides a sample strategy for successfully completing and implementing goals identified in the strategic planning process.
Viewers can take an online test following the video to measure what they've learned and earn a certificate of completion.

Other video series by NCUA’s Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives, intended to help board members, include:
effective board management
credit union policies and procedures

More information is also available on NCUA’s Small Credit Union Learning Center.

View the first video in the strategic planning planning series below: