Upcoming Free Filene Webinars

on 11:23 AM

The Filene Research Institute, the research and think tank for the U.S. credit union movement, provides many free webinars for credit unions on a variety of subjects.

Below are a few of the upcoming ones. Watch the video to learn more about the Institute.

An introduction into the Madison, WI based and internationally known Filene Research Institute.

Upcoming Free Webinars:

  • Relevant Findings For Small But Mighty Credit Unions - September 8, 2016
    In this series of webinars Filene focuses on research findings specifically suited for credit unions with assets under $50M. Then, we'll discuss how to put those findings and ideas into action at your credit union.
  • The Member Journey - Ease of Use as a Driver of Loyalty - September 20, 2016
    We all know the companies that we love to do business with, from Amazon to Apple, are well loved because they make it so easy to engage. They save us time and hassles and even anticipate our next need. Ease of use creates loyalty. Understanding the member’s journey from a new membership, a new account, or a new loan with your credit union is vital to making it better. Join as we share our most recent research insights on “Member Effort” and the methods used to move that research into action ultimately improving the member journey. You’ll leave with at least one thing you can do tomorrow.
  • Grading your Strategic Thinking: Six Strengths of A+ Strategists - October 5, 2016
    Strategy has never been more important to credit unions. Economic uncertainties, the expansion of regulatory oversight, and changes in consumer tastes and preferences are just a few of the ongoing challenges credit union leaders face on a day to day basis.

    While a universal solution to these issues would be ideal and ambitious, it is unrealistic. However, the stronger your credit union's strategic leadership, the better armed you’ll be to not only meet these challenges but to break through to stronger success.

    During this webinar, Tansley Stearns, Chief Impact Officer of the Filene Research Institute will explore what our research has identified as the six pillars to strategic excellence: Anticipate, Challenge, Interpret, Decide, Align, and Learn. You’ll leave with a tool to understand your strengths and your opportunities areas and fodder for your next leadership or board meeting. Turn our research into action!
  • How will you measure member engagement in 2017? - October 18, 2016
    Explore the possibilities and potential in member engagement metrics including Net Promoter and Member Effort Scoring. Learn how leveraging these tools can help to create benchmarks and improve service and member experience where it matters as you build your long term strategy and upcoming business plan.