Filene Study: Millennial Language Trends

on 12:00 PM

A new research study of young adults, “Money Chatter: A Guide to Millennial Financial Discourse” reveals that financial institutions’ image and perception of their own financial products doesn't match millennials’ view of the same products.

The objective of this research was to look for significant and unique language markers to understand how millennials, in particular, deal with financial issues,” said Hope Schau, professor of marketing at the University of Arizona and report author.

Money Chatter is the first research report from Filene’s Center for Consumer Decision Making, sponsore
d by CUNA Mutual Group. Led by academic thinkers from across North America, Filene’s Centers of Excellence produce unique research and engagement opportunities for Filene members and the credit union system. Designed to address the changing needs of credit unions and their members, the research centers explore critical and emerging topics regarding the future of consumer financial trends to encourage credit unions to think differently and do amazing things to change people’s lives.

Millennials comprise the largest generation in the United States, numbering more than 75 million people.