NCUF to Host FinEd Twitter Chat

on 12:41 PM

To help kick off National Financial Literacy Month in April, the National Credit Union Foundation will host a Twitter chat for credit unions on Wednesday, April 5, at 4 p.m. The National Foundation is inviting credit union representatives to discuss and share their financial education activities during the chat.

During the Twitter chat on April 5th, credit unions and their staff are encouraged to share best practices and examples of their financial education efforts, including efforts to members of all ages, identifying needs, tracking and measuring, partnerships and more. The Twitter chat is a live streaming conversation, free and open to anyone with a Twitter account. For this Twitter chat, the hashtag will be #foundationchat. Twitter users can either type #foundationchat into the Twitter search box or utilize other tools such as Tweet Chat, etc. to follow the conversation.

Read more details online.