86% of Millennials Would Trade Pay for Values

on 11:34 AM

Nearly 90% of millennials (ages 22 to 37) would consider taking a pay cut to work at a company whose mission and values align with their own, according to LinkedIn’s latest Workplace Culture report. By comparison, only 9% of baby boomers (ages 54 to 72) would do the same.

LinkedIn surveyed a nationally representative sample of just over 3,000 adult full-time workers in the U.S. to better understand the factors companies need to prioritize to attract and keep the most talented workers, and it finds near consensus on some key issues. Nearly 90% of employees think it matters that they're able to be proud of the company at which they work.

Similarly, one of the top reasons workers say they would stay at their jobs for more than five years is benefits like having access to paid time off, parental leave and health insurance.

LinkedIn pointed out generational differences between millennials, Generation X and baby boomers. Millennials feel it most acutely when they don't have strong, inspiring leadership at their companies.  At the same time, millennials are the least likely to leave their current job if their employer asked them to do something morally or ethically questionable. Only 31% would feel compelled to quit under those circumstances, compared to 40% of Gen X professionals and 51% of baby boomers.

Read the full article as reported on CNBC.