CUNA White Paper: MCIF Systems

on 11:44 AM

CUNA’s Marketing and Business Development Council recently released a new white paper titled “Making the Most of MCIF Systems.” Credit unions that use their MCIF system only for compiling mailing lists are significantly underestimating its potential, according to the white paper. The white paper collected information from three credit unions and three leading vendors to reveal how an MCIF system can help credit unions explore households’ profitability, identify niche markets, promote their strengths, explore their neighborhood, track the results of marketing efforts, and educate senior leaders about current and potential members. MCIF experts say that taking advantage of the full value of MCIF systems requires listening to the data, rather than approaching MCIF reports with preconceived notions. The white paper states that when credit unions are open to learning from data, they can unleash MCIF’s full power.

The paper is available online in the white paper section of – select the “Marketing & BizDev” tab. Council members receive the white paper free of charge.
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