Comments Sought to Improve NCUA Call Reports

on 12:10 PM

The National Credit Union Administration has issued a request for comments on how call reports might be improved. Input is being sought on specific questions from NCUA through 8/1.

At its May open board meeting, NCUA announced it would conduct a comprehensive review and modernization of the Call Report and Credit Union Profile to gather stakeholder feedback. NCUA uses the Call Report and Profile to collect financial and non-financial information from federally insured credit unions (FICUs). The resulting data is integral to risk supervision at the institution and industry levels, which is central to safeguarding the integrity of the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF).

Sepcifically, NCUA is seeking input on the following issues:

  • What specific areas of the Call Report and Credit Union Profile do users find challenging?
  • What sections or items could be made optional for small or non-complex credit unions without compromising the agency’s ability to assess risk in these institutions?
  • What items could be added to the reports to enhance the agency’s analysis of the system’s performance trends?
  • What areas of regulatory reporting align with a credit union’s internal accounting and what areas do not?
  • How the Call Report and Credit Union Profile could be reorganized to reduce credit unions’ reporting burden?  And,
  • What additional suggestions or ideas do credit unions have for collecting financial and non-financial information?

Comments must be received by 5 p.m. Eastern on Monday, 8/1. For additional information or to submit a comment, go to