VPR Poll: Governor Race Tight for Dems

on 3:22 PM

Results of a new poll of 657 Vermonters, initiated by Vermont Public Radio and conducted by Castleton Polling Institute, as reported by Seven Days, show Sue Minter and Matt Dunne in a tight race for the Democratic primary nomination for Governor.  Based on favorability, Minter gets a 58% rating while Dunne gets 50%. Peter Galbraith gets 39%.   

When measuring name recognition, however,  73% say they know who Dunne is, compared to 63% for Minter and 48% for Galbraith. 

The poll intentionally did not ask respondents who they would vote in the August 9th Vermont because of fear it would be impossible to predict who would actually cast ballots in what is predicted to be a "pathetically" low-turnout August primary.

On the Republican side of the gubernatorial race, retired Wall Street banker Bruce Lisman's name recognition has jumped from 21% to 61% due to his aggressive television and direct-mail campaigns.  But Lisman's sole GOP opponent, Lt. Gov. Phil Scott, is still known by more voters at 86%.  Scott remains more popular with a 58% favorability rating compared Lisman's 36%. 

The poll also asked how respondents would vote in the presidential election with the following results:
  • Democrat Hillary Clinton = 39%
  • Another candidate = 26%
  • Republican Donald Trump = 17%
  • Libertarian Gary Johnson = 5%