Filene Leadership Study: Participants Sought

on 10:57 AM

The Filene Research Institute is seeking participants for its "Predicting Organizational Performance: The Role of the CEO, the Senior Management Team, and Work Engagement" study.  In 2011 credit unions face a new landscape full of obstacles that will require clear vision to surmount. Today, leadership matters more than ever. To help credit unions understand and plan for leadership challenges, Filene is undertaking one of the most ambitious leadership studies in the history of the institute.

"Predicting Organizational Performance: The Role of the CEO, the Senior Management Team, and Work Engagement" seeks to identify personality traits and leadership styles of effective credit union CEOs and senior management teams. These findings will help credit unions identify and tap the potential of CEOs and staff to improve performance and service to members. 

Natural-person credit unions of all sizes are encouraged to participate, and participation is free. The findings will be published by the Filene Research Institute. Participants will also receive the reports, even if they are not Filene membersThe study promises actionable leadership insights in return for a small time commitment. The data participants contribute will always be private; Filene’s public report will present anonymous aggregate findings.

Register to participate by Friday, July 29. Click here for more information and to sign up.