Free Webinar: Post Election Analysis for CUs

on 11:21 AM

CUNA staff will host a post-election webinar this Thursday to provide credit unions with a comprehensive breakdown on how the election results will shape credit union and league advocacy efforts going forward. The event is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on 11/8.

The webinar, hosted by CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle, Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan, Chief Political Officer Richard Gose and Deputy Chief Advocacy Officer for Political Action Trey Hawkins will cover the following:

  • CUNA’s political and grassroots efforts to secure a credit union-friendly majority in both chambers for the 116th Congress;
  • How the results will impact credit union advocacy priorities, including potential leadership changes and new committee members;
  • How credit unions can best navigate the post-election advocacy environment; and
  • CUNA’s white paper on what the election means for credit unions, which will be released after the webinar.
  • Nussle, Donovan, Gose and Hawkins will also answer questions at the end of the webinar.

CUNA and leagues are supporting 388 candidates in races for the U.S House and Senate in this year’s mid-term election.

This event is free for CUNA members. Find more details and register online.